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Action Shot Composition in Photoshop
Create an exciting, effective, and dynamic character-driven scene in this composition tutorial!
- Course
- By Colin Searle
Create Realistic, Photograph-Based Textures with Photoshop
Learn the theory and practice of capturing and generating photo-quality textures and materials for games, film, and CG
- Course
- By 3dmotive
Create a Camera with Maya and Keyshot
Model this stylish camera asset from start to finish learning tools in Maya
- Course
- By Stephen Wells
Create a Realistic Roof Shader with Substance Designer
Use this powerful software to create believable shaders and materials for games and film!
- Course
- By Emiel Sleegers
Creating Foliage for Games and Film
Learn to be realistic 3d foliage for your game or film projects
- Course
- By Damian Lazarski
Designing a Film-Quality Fish Bust with ZBrush and Keyshot
Learn to model and paint this creature mesh with ZBrush Spotlight and present it in Keyshot!
- Course
- By Fabrizio Bortolussi
Horror Illustration in Photoshop
Learn to concept and design a disturbing figure in Photoshop!
- Course
- By Fabrizio Bortolussi
Learn 2D Cell Shading in Photoshop
Learn how to quickly color character art in a cell shaded style while maintaining maximum flexibility.
- Course
- By Colleen Larson
Learn Concepting and Character Design with Photoshop
Design awesome characters for video games and other media!
- Course
- By Colin Searle
Learn Hand-Painted Texturing for Games
Explore the techniques for modeling and texturing this stylized cabin using hand-painted textures!
- Course
- By Ryan Ribot
Learn to Concept Matte Paintings for Games and Film
Learn the Techniques for Creating Believable Environment Concepts
- Course
- By Waqas Malik
Model and Texture an Airplane for Games
Learn the Hand Painted texturing style as you build this awesome airplane asset from start-to-finish
- Course
- By Ryan Ribot
Model, Sculpt, and Texture a Demon Girl
Using ZBrush, 3ds Max, and Photoshop - we will cover the complete character creation process from start to finish!
- Course
- By Dylan Brady
Texture a Hand-Painted Weapon for Games
A look into the development process of creating a stylized sword for use in a video game environment.
- Course
- By Lance Wilkinson
The Hand Painted Hard Surface Vehicle Texturing Workflow
Learn to texture a vehicle utilizing photo-sourcing, integrated dirt, adding wear and scratches, cloth, and more!
- Course
- By Alec Moody
The Modular Environment Workflow for Games
Using 3ds Max and UDK, learn to build modular assets on the grid that are highly reusable and easy to create!
- Course
- By Tyler Wanlass